[[Time Billionaire]] describes how us young folk are in fact the richest out there. While **time** is a valuable and scarce variable, you can't focus only on how much time you have - you have to focus on **how you spend it**. Time is the most scarce and therefore **most valuable asset** we as humans have. It's second to [[Beaming with Energy|energy]] (that can at least be generated). That being the case - ==our goal should be maximizing the life we get out of the time we have==. The only thing time is worth being traded for is [[website/Philosophy/Real Wealth|Real Wealth]]. ## Time vs. Money > *Time is money* The value of time becomes apparent when you compare it to the money-maximizing approach. Here's a few facts to build upon: 1. Money is **LITERALLY** **USELESS** if you don't spend it on anything 2. Therefore, if you don't have anything you want to spend the money on - it is a losing proposition to chase it. Chasing money in this state drains you of your time (most valuable, scarce resource) - you trade your most valuable thing for something that doesn't directly give you anything. ### Value of Money See [[website/Philosophy/The Value of Money|The Value of Money]]. ## What To Do It's imperative to focus on life through these alternative lens of ***maximizing return on time spent***. 1. What **is the most I can get out of this** moment, day, week, month, year and life? ^ea6cf2 2. What is the way to maximize **the return I get on the time** I spend? ^783f54 ---