#introduction ![[forest.png]] Welcome to my digital forest. Here you will find many notes about what I know, how I think and what I think about literally anything in life. I promise I will be unapologetically myself. It's good to disagree with things - as no two people should ever agree on 100% of all things. This should make for some good reads :) Something else - every note is limited to a 3 minute read in length - 714 words - this keeps it manageable and forces me to condense my thoughts. Enjoy. ## The Goal Why am I publishing this? Few reasons: 1. Try to make sense of the world. 2. Act as a forcing function to revisit, rethink, condense, categorize and summarize the endless amounts of thoughts and notes I've made over the last few years. 3. 🫶 Show you who I am and encourage discussion. 1. Deep relationships come only once you know the other person - what better, more scalable way to do this than publish it online? 2. Read something that you agree/disagree with? Message me. Let's talk. ## Don't Want To Miss a Post? 👇 - ✅ Subscribe at https://stanislavkozlovski.substack.com/ 🤝